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Spilt Milk is the biggest it’s ever been and while it’ll be the greatest day of your year, this many people means some longer wait times getting in and heading home. Chances are, the time you’re planning to arrive and leave will be the same as everyone else. At most festivals, over 70% of people arrive within the same hour (normally 2-3PM) – which causes longer lines getting in, at the bars and at the restrooms during that time. To make your day as cruisy as possible, make sure you’re across the best ways to get to and from the festival below (and be prepared for some lines)


Getting There: The best way to get to Claremont Showground is on the free shuttle bus services and trains. If travelling from:

North Perth – take a train to Stirling Train Station and then a free shuttle bus from there

The City, East or Fremantle – take a train to Showgrounds station

South Perth – take a train to Perth City Train station then transfer to a Showgrounds train service

Getting Home: From 7PM onwards you can catch a non stop free shuttle bus from the Graylands Road to Perth City or Stirling St Stations and jump on connecting services


Rideshares and taxis will be able to drop you off at the Ashton Avenue Carpark and will pick you up from the same place on the way home.


Perth is home to Neuron and Bird e-scooters which you can use to get to and from the festival. You won’t be able to ride your scooter right up to the festival gates, but there will be a designated area for scooter parking, which you can find in the respective e-scooter apps. Please remember to be safe for both yourself and other road users and it’s illegal and dangerous to ride while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


There is no parking available near Claremont Showground. We advise catching the free event shuttles to and from Spilt Milk


The scooter parking locations near Spilt Milk will be a short walk away, and can be located within the Lime app. If you intend to use one to get home from the festival, please remember to be safe for both yourself and other road users. It is also illegal and dangerous to ride while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.


There are road closures around Claremont Showground in the following locations:

Graylands Road: closed to public traffic

Shenton Rd: closed to public traffic

Tiger Way: closed to public traffic

Gugeri Road Eastbound (towards the city): Closed to public traffic, one-way traffic (shuttle buses only) from 9pm-midnight

Gugeri Road Westbound (towards Fremantle): Open to public traffic

Melville Street: closed to public traffic from 8pm-midnight

Chancellor Street: closed to public traffic from 8pm-midnight


  • Plan ahead to make sure you know where you’re heading and you’ve left enough time for your journey so you don’t miss any of your fave acts.
  • Follow the signs and directions of event staff in and around the festival, and be respectful of any event staff or police who are trying to help you get into the festival as quickly as possible.
  • Make a note of where you’ve been dropped off or the last train times so you know how to get home when the festival ends
  • If you’re tapping out early, this will be the best way to beat the rush. But if you’re sticking it out til the end, take your time making your way to the exit. Several of the food operators and stalls will stay open for another 30mins to help re-energise you for the trip home.