If you hold a valid National Companion Card and purchase a General Admission ticket to Spilt Milk House Party, you will receive a complimentary ticket for your companion or carer.
For Newcastle – Companion Card and Accessible bookings are available through Venue Box Office for most events, simply email admin@nec.net.au for bookings and enquiries.
For Perth & Gold Coast – Accessible tickets (including Companion Cards) can be purchasing by calling our Customer Service team on the Accessible Bookings line Monday-Sunday 9am-5pm AEST: 1300 446 925. This phone number is reserved for patrons with accessibility requirements and companion cardholders and cannot process any other ticketing requests. Accessible tickets both during presale and the general public sale period, can also be requested via Ticketmaster’s Submit a request – Ticketmaster Help. Please be sure to include your relevant presale code with your request if wanting to make a booking during the presale period.